Thursday, June 26, 2014

First post since March!!

I have been absent from this blog since March... sadly unavoidable as I have had much going on and limited time for keeping blogs regularly updated. I have two other blogs in addition to this one. One for my zoo work and the other for my exhibition project with Elephants For Africa and only the latter has had anything vaguely resembling something like regular attention from me, much as I'd like it to be otherwise. I always hope to post at least once a month, but plans and good intentions are sometimes hard to keep to.

The main news to report is the acquisition of a new work space! I have at last got a proper studio. I will do a post all about this wonderful new era in my work very soon.

I have a workshop coming up.. again I will do another more detailed post on here (hopefully right after I write this!)

And I have entered two pieces into The National Exhibition of Wildlife Art... it is a juried exhibition so I have to wait until the originals are seen in July before I know whether I have successfully got in the show or not.


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